Sunday, April 22, 2007

Man Sues Library After His Sons Find Book On Lesbian Lovemaking

A man is seeking $20,000 after his sons found a book on lesbian sex at a public library. The library has since removed the book from circulation. In an e-mail, the father said that God was speaking to his heart and helped him find the words that removed it. He said the teenagers found it while looking for material on military academies.

read more | digg story


... the fuck?!

This is outrageous. First of all, the library has books that appeal to diverse crowd. They're a public library. I can understand if he'd been upset finding this at a Christian bookstore, but he's in a public library. They have an entire section on sex. Besides, in the Dewey Decimal System, the Sex section is in the 600s and the Military section is in the 300s. Yeah, his teenage sons just accidentally wound up looking at books on lesbian sex in the middle of the sex section. I'm sure they MEANT to be over in the Military section, at the other end of the nonfiction section. Right. This guy better hope his kids don't get a hold of the internet. They might just "accidentally" run across a porn site while "trying to do research for school." Give me a break. Your kids were looking for graphic descriptions of sex. If you have some sort of problem with that, reprimand your children, don't sue the library. And don't give us that "they were traumatized" bullshit. I think we all know just why they had many sleepless nights over this.

I know that you want to pretend your kids are all innocent and everything, but a sixteen-year-old isn't going to pick up a book on lesbian sex, in the middle of the sex section of the library, thinking that it's about West Point. Come on. They looked at the book intentionally and just happened to get caught. If you have a problem with what they look at in the library, go with them to make sure they steer clear of that section. And besides, the public library doesn't just have to have books that are okay with Christians. They're a public library, and they have a very diverse crowd that walks through those doors. They try to have books that appeal to everyone because that's what they're there for.

As for the money thing, don't think that just because you're mad at the library for carrying a certain book, you can force them to buy you a new car. Your kids were not scarred for life, and I can guarantee you that they look at pictures of the exact same thing on the computers at school. They chose to look at the material, nobody made them. He keeps saying how God wanted him to do this... what, is he going to donate the $20,000 to the church? Doubt it. Greedy jackass.

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